Public Agenda
TYPE: Regular Board Meeting
DATE: 6/13/2024 TIME: 6:00 PM
LOCATION: Assembly Hall 1935 Bohemian Highway, Occidental, CA 95465
Closed session begins at 6:00 pm; open session begins at 7:00 pm. All documents relating to the following agenda items are available for public review in the Administrative Office of the Harmony Union School District during office hours at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled Board meeting. The Harmony District Board of Education meetings are open to the public, except for certain subjects that are addressed in closed session in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. If anyone wishes to attend and requires special accommodations due to a handicapping condition, as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact the superintendent at least two working days prior to the meeting.
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Pledge of Allegiance
3.0 Approval of the Agenda
4.0 Public Comment
4.1 For Closed Session: Members of the public may address the Board briefly on matters not on the agenda and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Please state your name and address. In accordance with Board Policy 9323, speakers are to keep comments concise and limited to three minutes. The Public Comment item will be limited to a total of 20 minutes, absent approval to extend by the Board President. If there are several people who share the same issue, please chose one as your representative, and that person may be given additional time, if necessary. The Board values public comment, but by the Brown Act the Board shall not act upon, respond to, or comment on the merits of any item presented. The Board may ask clarifying questions of the presenter or refer the presenter to the District procedures. Members of the public may address the Board regarding items on the agenda at the time the item appears on the agenda. The Board President may move any agenda item to a different place on the agenda in order to accommodate the public or improve the flow of the meeting. Info
5.0 Closed Session
5.1 With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session Gov. Code Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Name of Agency Negotiator: Matthew Morgan Name of organization representing employees: CSEA Info/Action
5.2 With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session Gov. Code Section 54957.6: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Name of Agency Negotiator: Matthew Morgan Name of organization representing employees: HUTA Info/Action
5.3 With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957:Public Employee - Discipline/ Dismissal/ Release Info/Action
5.4 With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Gov. Code Section 54957.6: Update on Anticipated Litigation items: Cistern Project Info/Action
6.0 Reconvene to Open Session
6.1 Report out from closed session Info/Action
7.0 Communication
A) Reports
7.1 HUTA Report
7.2 ARK Report
7.3 Student Report
7.4 Board Member Reports
7.5 Superintendent/Principal’s Report
7.6 Pathways Director Report
7.7 Enrollment Report
B) Public Comment
7.8 For Open Session: Members of the public may address the Board briefly on matters not on the agenda and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Please state your name and address. In accordance with Board Policy 9323, speakers are to keep comments concise and limited to three minutes. The Public Comment item will be limited to a total of 20 minutes, absent approval to extend by the Board President. If there are several people who share the same issue, please chose one as your representative, and that person may be given additional time, if necessary. The Board values public comment, but by the Brown Act the Board shall not act upon, respond to, or comment on the merits of any item presented. The Board may ask clarifying questions of the presenter or refer the presenter to the District procedures. Members of the public may address the Board regarding items on the agenda at the time the item appears on the agenda. The Board President may move any agenda item to a different place on the agenda in order to accommodate the public or improve the flow of the meeting.
7.9 The public will have the opportunity to comment on Harmony Union School District Board’s plan to adopt the Local Control Assessment Plans (LCAP) and budget, including Reasons for Assigned and Unassigned Ending Fund Balances in Excess of Minimum Recommended Reserves, for 2024-25. The LCAP and the budget are to be presented at the June 14, 2024 special meeting for approval. The LCAP for Harmony Union School District is now one document inclusive of Harmony Elementary and Salmon Creek Charter. In addition, the LCAP for Pathways Charter grades K-12.
7.10 Public Hearing: AB 1200 Report for Certificated, Classified and Unrepresented Employees
C) Correspondence
8.0 Consent Agenda Action
8.1 Vendor Warrants Action
8.2 Approve the Consent Agenda Action
9.0 Information/Correspondence/Discussion
9.1 Discussion regarding guidelines for healthy and appropriate electronic device usage for students and families Info/Action
9.2 Bond Update Info/Action
9.3 Video training for new board meeting website Info
A) Board Member Development
10.0 Action Items
10.1 Presentation of the Harmony Union School District Budget for the 2024-2025 school year Info/Action
10.2 Educational Protection Account (EPA) Action
10.3 Presentation of the Harmony Union School District Local Control Assessment Plan [LCAP] for the 2023-2024 school year Info/Action
10.4 Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding Between HUSD and SCOE for the North Coast Teacher Induction Program Action
10.5 Consideration of Successor Contract, MOU's (Memorandum of Understanding) between HUTA (Harmony Union Teachers Association) and HUSD for school year 2023-24 Action
10.6 Consideration of Salary Schedules for SYs 2024-2025 Certificated Employees Action
10.7 Consideration of AB1200 Report for Certificated Employees Action
10.8 Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding between the District and CSEA for 2024-2025 Action
10.9 Consideration of "Me Too" for Classified Employees Action
10.10 Consideration of updated salary schedule: Classified Employees Action
10.11 Consideration of AB 1200 report for Classified Employees Action
10.12 Consideration of "Me Too" for Unrepresented Employees Action
10.13 Consideration of updated salary schedule for Unrepresented Employees (CBO and Office Manager and CBO Assistant) Action
10.14 Consideration of AB 1200 report for Unrepresented Employees (Office Manager and CBO and CBO Assistant) Action
10.15 Consideration of contract for Assistant Principal Action
10.16 COPY - Consideration of Classroom Capacity RESOLUTION NO. 20240613 Action
11.0 Next Board Meeting
12.0 Adjournment
Agendas have been posted at the Harmony School public bulletin board and the Harmony Union School District Website at